Halloween Themed Doggie Treat Basket
Item ID | Starting Bid | Bids | Current Bid |
45544 | $15.00 | 2 | $20.00 |
ArcBarks Treat Basket
Total Value: $35.00
arcBARKS Dog Treat Company was conceived and developed by The Arc of Greensboro, Inc. to provide vocational training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Officially...arcBARKS are preservative-free dog treats made by chefs with special needs. Our dog treat company operates as a job training program founded by The Arc of Greensboro, Inc. The Arc is a nonprofit devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. I guess you can say they put the "arc" in our "BARKS"!
Unofficially...arcBARKS are barkin' good. Don't Believe us? A dog's tail doesn't lie.
The gift basket includes: 1 box of minibones, 1 box of Peanut Butter Barkers, 1 bag of minibones, 1 large bone, 1 t-shirt voucher, & 2 animal shaped dog treats.